We will be invading an elegant 1863 mansion!! We are NOT invited and are in this home due to one of Mobile’s famous torrential rainstorms!! The horses have been stabled and we are all trying to stay dry. But, we find among us, certain other UNINVITED guests to be somewhat slippery, greedy, eccentric, mysterious, unsavory, notorious, addled and depraved. To top it all off, it turns out, there is a murderer among us!! “1863 Murder at the Mansion” shows a cross-section of the typical southern tradition and the ‘characters’ of that time which added such ‘flare and flame’ to an already turbulent era. Come visit characters right out of the history books and see them at their finest, well…maybe not at their finest, but you can see them!!

Judge and Mrs. Bragg, will be your hosts for the evening.  Their home has been invaded with a number of unexpected guests due to one of Mobile’s frequent heavy rain storms.  Among these guests, you will find some to be slippery, greedy, eccentric, mysterious, somewhat unsavory, notorious, addled and depraved.  To top it all off, it turns out, there is a murderer among them.

The uninvited guests:
Mr. Hanley: Mr. Hanley is wound very tight, and extremely ticked off at the interruption foisted upon him. He is a gentleman, though, and will try his best to stay pleasant. He is very patriotic and maniacal about the South, so any remarks he makes about the Confederacy are passionate and unbending. Mr. Hanley is an important man and knows it.

Horace Foster: 
Horace is a gadfly. His family had money, once, and he grew up with anything he wanted. He has skipped around between universities and academies, but never managed to actually finish any course of study and graduate, or settle down into a career. He thinks highly of himself and his intellect. Recently his family has lost all their money, and he is determined to marry Daisy come hell or high water, so he can have her money and not have to – gasp – work for a living. He has to marry her fast to secure his future.

Robert Merrill: Merrill is a career criminal who supports his brother, who is his partner, and his younger sister, who was born with disabilities that will keep her, mentally, a child forever. He feels let down that his brother doesn’t work hard enough and he can’t stand his sister. Robert lives in terror that Angel, his sister, will tell all their secrets so he keeps her nearby all the time, if he can. He drinks too much, likes the ladies, and can be thoroughly obnoxious. All he cares about is the next opportunity to make, take, steal or con some money.

John Merrill: 
Less driven and less nasty than his elder brother, John is dabbling in criminal enterprise because it is easier than getting a job, and because Robert would kill him if he took off. Whatever. John likes to have a good time, and where the money comes from, he really doesn’t care. He has affection for Angel and is protective of her. He hopes to one day use the rewards of some last, big payoff to buy a grand home and live like an aristocrat. He has better social graces than Robert and likes people.

Daisy Moore: Daisy is a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Once the belle of three counties, she never dreamed she would throw it all away on a sweet talking rogue and then find herself deserted, pregnant and poor to boot. She has been forced into marrying Horace because her family thinks his family has money – and they have none, having lost it during the war. Daisy also doesn’t want her family to know she is pregnant, so has agreed to the hasty wedding. That, and the fact that she wants to get it over with. She does not love Horace. 

Belle Jackson: 
Belle is actually Belle Boyd, Confederate spy. She is young and vivacious, and extremely smart. Belle has been sent specifically by General Bragg to guard the family, since Judge Bragg has been targeted by the Yankees for supporting the Confederacy financially, and his presumed involvement in the critical submarine project. Belle is a bit of a troublemaker, poking and pushing at people to see if they’ll blurt out interesting information she can later use. 

Madame Velazquez: Madame Velazquez is a bold and passionate woman, originally from Mexico, raised in New Orleans. She is impulsive and lives totally in the moment, so even when she is in danger, she can still manage to enjoy herself.  She has complete self confidence and it shows. Madame Velazquez is also a Confederate spy, skilled in turning herself into her alter ego, Lt. Harry Buford. She is so good at this disguise she has fooled men and women across the country and become a valued member of the Confederate war effort. Madame Velazquez has come down to Mobile on the trail of the Yankee spy, Donald Price, who is digging for information about the Confederate submarine project.

Angel Merrill: 
Angel is a young woman, but she will always be a child, mentally. She acts like she is around 7 years old. She’s very sweet, and responds immediately to any adult who shows her kindness. She’s frightened of Robert and looks to John for the slapdash parenting he remembers to throw her way.

Mrs. O’Brien: Mrs. O’Brien became the Bragg’s housekeeper when they lived in Washington, DC, during Judge Bragg’s one term in congress. She is devoted to the Braggs and considered family. Mrs. O’Brien is originally from Ireland and when under stress, her accent comes out. She’s very smart and capable.


Have you ever wished you could revisit your high school years and find closure to old relationships…renew an old flame…take revenge on those who slighted you? The graduating class of (THIS CAN BE CHANGED TO YOUR YEAR AND SCHOOL) 1972 is returning to Murphy High, home of the Murphy Panthers, for their 20th class reunion. This is their first time to return as a class and everyone is looking forward to seeing their old classmates with great anticipation. As they renew old friendships, bodies begin to drop like flies.  Discovering who the killer is becomes the question all are determined to answer. Some of the ‘characters’ you will meet will be:
TIFFY TUNDRA, ex-high school cheerleading captain, attractive but a bit “worn”, divorced five times.
DICKIE HUNGE, former football all-stater, macho, currently owns Squats and Shots Gyms franchise.
SIMON GETFUNKE, a past band geek, now a rock musician.
GARY GOFAR, voted most likely to succeed his senior year, currently in prison.
LOU TENNANT, a parole officer.
MISS BOOZER, the school principle and reunion emcee – she has a slight problem with the ‘bottle’.
DEDE DUZALOT, past senior class president who organized this event.
RONDA DEVINE, formerly known to the class as ‘Ron’ Devin


JESTER MINUTE, Castle Comealot’s jester, has been found dead in the castle hall. All of the prime suspects have been gathered together to help solve the murder while they partake of a medieval banquet.

You will meet – 
BISHOP SFINGER has been visiting the red torch district, something the cardinal wouldn’t be happy with. He’s known to be light fingered with the church’s treasures, but does he also break the commandment: thou shalt not kill?
MYSTIC MARGARITA has a soft spot for William Fakespear.  Is she what she says she is?
SIR PRANCEALOT is “light in his loafers” and he says he’s never killed. But he has a pointy lance in his armoury, among other things….
JOAN OF CARP threatened to kill anyone who exposed her and the Pi-eyed Piper’s fish laundering schemes.
WILLIAM FAKESPEAR stands to make a profit from the murder; did he also do the killing in the first place to secure his place as a writer for the Royal Daily Herald?
PRISSY BOOTS has a sideline in stolen goods, and is known for her vicious claws…
THE PI-EYED PIPER stood to loose his head if the jester exposed his part in part in the fishy operation.
MAIDEN TIWAN has a thing for the piper – did she silence the jester to protect him?
LADY MACINTOSH was the last to see the jester alive, but did she run him through to protect the queen’s honour?
QUEEN E would have anyone’s head for pure entertainment. Did she do all this for amusement, or to protect herself from public disgrace if her secret got out…
Love, jealousy, conspiracy, bribery, corruption and treason, there are all the possible motives you could want – but who actually did it?


There’s always something going on with the girls, and now, their shenanigans have turned deadly!!
NEVER underestimate housewives, they may be DEADLY!!
You will meet OUR Deadly Housewives this evening…
SUMMER – Desperately Sexually-Frustrated Divorcee…
JANET – Desperately Frustrated Mother of Five…
CHASTITY – Desperately Perfect Housewife…
DR. BILL – CHASTITY’s Marriage Counselor…
DEEPOKE CHAKRA – Wise Man Who Talks To The Dead…
MARTIN ABRAHAM – Husband of The Deceased Mary Ruth…
LT. CALABRO – All-knowing investigator…


DEATH IN A TUTU asks the question, who killed Mr. Adam Zapple, the respected patriarch of the Zapple family. Bubba found him in the privy and, at first, he thought Mr. Zapple was just playin’ possum ’cause he had gotten real liquored-up earlier, but it turned out that Mr. Zapple was deader than a door nail, just sprawled on the floor, there in the privy! Bubba ran like a scalded dog to tell mamma and that’s when the pandemonium began!

Even though Mr. Zapple was a husband and leader of the large, Zapple family, he was not exactly a God-fearing, or even a very nice guy. In fact, he really was not very well liked by anyone he knew in Mobile County.
No one was surprised when his family revealed a variety of reasons and motives to murder him. Everyone in this eclectic family seems to have a good reason to ‘knock him off.’
There’s mayhem and finger-pointing aplenty as this collection of dysfunctional Southern-fried eccentrics set out to try to solve the crime while they’re eatin’ high on the hog at his wake as poor Mr. Zapple lies in his coffin awaiting burial.
We’d be much obliged if ya’ll would come sit a spell, enjoy some good viddles with your libation and help us try to guess which one of these folks did the deadly deed!!! Ya’ll Come!

You’ll meet – 
Bubba Zapple –  (ADAM & EVE’S  SON)
Eve Zapple – (ADAM’S WIFE)
Barbie Zapple –  (BUBBA’S WIFE)
Sonny Zapple – (ADAM & EVE’S OTHER SON)
Cheryl Zapple – (SONNY’S WIFE)
Sister Helen Backe – (EVE’S SISTER)
Jim-Bob Kratchet – (FUNERAL HOME OWNER)
Harold (Harry) Backe (HELEN’S SON)
Delicious Zapple –  (ADAM & EVE’S  DAUGHTER)|
Cuthbert Collins – (THE VICAR)
Detective Catchem

You’re cordially invited to attend the chaotic wedding reception where no one seems to know where they are and one poor sap ends up dead!!|

By the way…ever heard the term – BRIDEZILLA?? You will certainly meet one at this performance and the poor guy who has just said “I Do” may already be having regrets!
Come see if you can solve a murder before this couple leaves on their grand get-away!!
Who among you will become a cold-blooded killer or a victim? It could be the person sitting right next to you! Be careful as you try to enjoy your dinner. And….watch your back!!

Mike Raffone – Wedding Singer/DJ
Noah Lott – Father of the Bride
Lola May Dye – Mother of Groom
Willie Dye – Groom
ona Lott – Bride
Rocky Beech – Best Man
Sandy Beech – Matron of Honor
Brittany Spaniel – Wedding Consultant
Parker Karr – Police Detective
Vic Tymm – The Victim
Marty Graw – Jilted lover of Jimmy Yablonowitz.
Wanda Rynn (confused guest, which wedding is she supposed to attend?) 


The crew of “Spook Chasers,” the celebrated ghost-hunting show, is celebrating 5 years on the “Real Channel.” They are holding an anniversary party at the site of their last investigation, The Carnival Museum. Jack D. Ripper is the brash and arrogant “star” of the show that thinks he is always right but – that’s HIS opinion!! Jacquelyn Hyde is the “other and ONLY” star – her opinion. Jacquelyn and Jack constantly fight over who should have top billing on the show. Sheila Kilya is the resident Psychic. Sheila is famous for her paranormal ability – at least, she claims to be…. Yule B. Sari, the cameraman, loves his job but is scared of ghosts, which makes his job a bit difficult. Yule has a crush on Angela. Ida Whackew is the leader of the Spook Chasers’ fan club and a bit ‘unbalanced.’ She loves the show and everything and everyone associated with it. Angela D’ eath is the Prop Girl. Be careful not to call her that because she hates that term!! Angela always has their equipment ready to go when they need it, but feels she does not get the respect she deserves. Katy Diddit is the curator of the museum, and has called the producers of the show to get them to investigate the strange happenings at the museum. Upton O’ Goode is the night security guard at the museum. He is a somewhat, happy-go-lucky man and always has a story for any situation. Gil T. Azell is the director, and like most Hollywood types, a ‘tad’ stuck on himself…. You are guaranteed to have fun as you try to make any sense out of this crew’s behind-the-scenes, mayhem as they film another one of Real Channel’s, Spook Chasers!!

At this production, you will meet
Jack D. Ripper – The brash and arrogant  “star” of the show that thinks he is always right but never is.  
Jacquelyn Hyde– The “other” star of the show. She and jack constantly fight over who should  have top billing on the show. She also will have a nice one-minute mean the next attitude.  
Sheila Kilya–  The psychic of the show.  She is famous for her paranormal detecting ability. She  is fake but puts on a good show.  
Yule B. Sari–  The cameraman of the show loves his job but is scared of ghosts and will freak out every time something ghostly happens.  
Ida Whackew–  The leader of the Spook Chasers fan club.  She goes to every event the show has and is constantly trying to sneak into a house they are investigating but is always caught.  She loves the show and everything and everyone associated with it. 
The Prop Girl– She hates that term Always has their equipment ready to go when they need it, but feels she does not get the respect she deserves.  
Katy Diddit–  She is the curator of the museum and has called the show to get them to investigate the strange happenings at the museum.  
Upton O’Good–  the night-watchman at the museum A happy-go-lucky man that always has a story for any situation. 
Gil T. Azell–  The director of the show. Like most Hollywood types you can’t trust a thing he says. 


The good psychiatrist has been murdered!! The suspicion falls on his patients and staff, and his devoted assistant has called one last group therapy meeting to determine whodunit!!

Among those in attendance:
IVANNA STEELE – Kleptomania
WILLIE GETBETTA – Peter Pan Syndrome
TIM-KIM TUINME – Split personality
INMAN DENILE (Sewer Man)- Delusions of Grandeur
MISS WRIGHT – No “apparent” illness, she was the late doctor’s assistant.
ARMY MAN – Dr. Schmuck was treating Army Man for Post Traumatic Stress – although he has never left the State of Alabama or served in the Army OR had any stress!!
Since we are all on leave from the hospital, you may bring anything that comforts your inner child, like your teddy bear or pacifier. Bring your meds and you may come comfortable in your slippers and housecoats. The sanitarium will provide everyone with ID bracelets so you will remember where and who you are….


This evening, we have a play within a play. When the original play begins, the director gets murdered, however, some of the cast members are a bit slow in realizing that they are now caught up in the middle of an actual murder!! The first plays begins with the “Life” celebration of Madame Vanderbilt. The Madame is the oldest and dearest friend of our host, Mr. Ari Verderci. Mr. Verderci is thrilled with anticipation and cannot wait to have you come to his beautiful home to help celebrate this glorious event! Ari Verderci and Madame Vanderbilt have some interesting friends who will be attending the party, however, be advised that some guests are truly “characters” and can be quite dramatic, so hold on to your hat! Among the special guests attending will be Sunshine and Augie. Sunshine is the niece of Mr. Verderci and engaged to Augie. Sounds sweet and romantic, right? Wrong!! Augie has a mysterious past that may haunt him when he discovers the names of certain ladies on the guest list. Also in attendance will be Mr. Heath Gargamel. Gargamel has a history of terrorizing residents of the city and now has his evil eye on Sunshine! Oh, what will Augie do to protect his dear Sunshine? As you enjoy the evening, be careful. Who knows what mysteries will unfold or who will be taken in by the passion of the night! From the moment you arrive, watch your back… and your date. After all, how well do you really know the person sitting at your table?

The crew of “Spook Chasers,” the celebrated ghost-hunting show, is celebrating 5 years on the “Real Channel.” They are holding an anniversary party at the site of their last investigation, The Carnival Museum. Jack D. Ripper is the brash and arrogant “star” of the show that thinks he is always right but – that’s HIS opinion!! Jacquelyn Hyde is the “other and ONLY” star – her opinion. Jacquelyn and Jack constantly fight over who should have top billing on the show. Sheila Kilya is the resident Psychic. Sheila is famous for her paranormal ability – at least, she claims to be…. Yule B. Sari, the cameraman, loves his job but is scared of ghosts, which makes his job a bit difficult. Yule has a crush on Angela. Ida Whackew is the leader of the Spook Chasers’ fan club and a bit ‘unbalanced.’ She loves the show and everything and everyone associated with it. Angela D’ eath is the Prop Girl. Be careful not to call her that because she hates that term!! Angela always has their equipment ready to go when they need it, but feels she does not get the respect she deserves. Katy Diddit is the curator of the museum, and has called the producers of the show to get them to investigate the strange happenings at the museum. Upton O’ Goode is the night security guard at the museum. He is a somewhat, happy-go-lucky man and always has a story for any situation. Gil T. Azell is the director, and like most Hollywood types, a ‘tad’ stuck on himself…. You are guaranteed to have fun as you try to make any sense out of this crew’s behind-the-scenes, mayhem as they film another one of Real Channel’s, Spook Chasers!!

At this production, you will meet…
Jack D. Ripper – The brash and arrogant  “star” of the show that thinks he is always right but never is.  
Jacquelyn Hyde– The “other” star of the show. She and jack constantly fight over who should  have top billing on the show. She also will have a nice one-minute mean the next attitude.  
Sheila Kilya–  The psychic of the show.  She is famous for her paranormal detecting ability. She  is fake but puts on a good show.  
Yule B. Sari–  The cameraman of the show loves his job but is scared of ghosts and will freak out every time something ghostly happens.  
Ida Whackew–  The leader of the Spook Chasers fan club.  She goes to every event the show has and is constantly trying to sneak into a house they are investigating but is always caught.  She loves the show and everything and everyone associated with it. 
The Prop Girl– She hates that term Always has their equipment ready to go when they need it, but feels she does not get the respect she deserves.  
Katy Diddit–  She is the curator of the museum and has called the show to get them to investigate the strange happenings at the museum.  
Upton O’Good–  the night-watchman at the museum A happy-go-lucky man that always has a story for any situation. 
Gil T. Azell–  The director of the show. Like most Hollywood types you can’t trust a thing he says.  

The Mobile Azalea Trail started in 1929, but did not come back after extensive damage from Hurricane Katrina, in 2005.

The characters you will meet this evening have all been brought together by Bay City Convention & Tours of Mobile to plan and bring The Azalea Trail back to Mobile.The group are all former members of the planning committee for the Azalea Trail. They have all planned events around the Trail, back when it was very popular and attended by thousands.
The city is counting on them to get the Trail back in gear, however, they have all known each other since high school and there is a lot of hostility and secrets between them. Tensions grow during their planning sessions and someone ends up dead!! So, it looks like the Trail is put back on the shelf, at least, until we can solve this whodunit!!The Suspects:
Bertha Blohard
Merci Meigh
Michael Meigh
Dorothy Dork
Stan Stell
Hannah Highnote
Harry Highnote
Bobby Blohard
Jay Walker



Welcome to the Fruitcake Inn in the quaint little town of Fruitcake, Louisiana.

The Fruitcake Inn is home to some strange but lovable characters. When a murder has happened at the Inn, some of the strangest residents come out of their rooms to help the investigation, but lead to more confusion and mayhem. The sheriff is already working under pressure because the City cannot afford a new patrol car, so he is trying to conduct his police business on a scooter. While he is trying to determine who murdered the lady on the third floor of the Inn, the residents are definitely not helping! You will meet twin sisters – one is a kleptomaniac (how does a 5’2″ lady steal a two-story crane?) and the other with a split personality and an arm with a “mind” of its own. Among the folks at the Inn, you will meet a frog-toting psychic who joins the investigation. You will also meet the local Indian Chief, whose name is too deadly to even speak!! Then, there is the mime who has a lot to “say” and also, the wild, fast-living, gun-toting, young girl who is riding her four-wheeler all over the Inn. The residents are using all of their energy to help the sheriff, but to say they are not much help is an understatement! Add to this dysfunctional group, the Innkeeper who is a former hippie/flower-child who seems to lose touch with reality from time to time and a high-powered traveling salesman with some very strange contraband to confuse and bedazzle you and the poor sheriff even more!! With all the confusion that ensues from the town-folk, the murder almost takes a back seat to the total mayhem they cause!!
Who Do You Think Dunit?
Fertile Myrtle
Rose Petals
Daisy Petals
The Mime
Indian Chief
Sara Yehaa
Harman Sellit
Sheriff Beaux Jangles


The honor of your presence is requested at the annual Krewe de Mydal Masquerade Ball.

Our King, Pierre DuPre, and his Queen, Velvyt DuPre, look forward to seeing you at their Dauphin Street Mansion for what is always the social highlight of the Mobile Mardi Gras!!However, a big mystery develops for Mobile when Pierre DuPre is found murdered at his own party!! Which one of his “friends” or family is the killer? You are in for an evening to remember!!Masks and costumes are optional, but everyone will certainly have something to hide!!
“Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!!”  (Let the Good Times Roll)
The motley crew in Murder at Mardi Gras:
GOTHIKA – is an internationally famous author, Gothika.  Her  series of books have made her a multi-millionaire.  Despite the objections of the Old Money guards of the Krewe de Mydal and also, of the Old Money of Mobile, she was invited to join the Krewe de Mydal ten years ago.  The Krewe de Mydal wanted the biggest celebrity in the Mobile Area to serve on their Krewe.  She was just a status symbol for them!  Membership in the Krewe de Mydal opened many doors for her in Mobile society that money could not buy!!  Nobody snubs Gothika now!!  She has  plans to buy DuPre Mansion on Government Street, and turn it into a bed and breakfast for her fans.
GATOR THIBODEAUX  – Grew up in Bayou La Batre and his family is 100% proud shrimpers!!  It is a big secret that he is Buffye’s DuPre’s fiancé.  Gator’s family catches alligators and makes sausage and sells the hides.  Gator is considered too low-class to consider dating Buffye and Pierre is adamantly against him marrying his daughter! Gator  worked hard to get a scholarship at LSU, and now, he is coming to the party to ask Mr. Dupre for his blessing.  Gator and Buffye are in love and are getting married, no matter what!!
ROYALLE DuPRE – His mother was a burlesque dancer on Dauphin Street.  His parents were engaged to be married when Jean Luc DuPre died mysteriously at a Mardi Gras party at the DuPre Mansion.  His mother died six months later and he lived in an orphanage until he was eighteen.  Jazz music is the only thing he loves in this world.  When his jazz band was hired to play at this party, his Uncle Pierre had no idea that Royalle was  a member of the band.  Royalle is the dirty little, lower Dauphin Street secret in the DuPre family, and he is ready for revenge…..
BIENVILLE McGILL – is  the DuPre Family’s personal attorney and Pierre DuPre’s  best friend.  Bienville is also Buffye DuPre’s Godfather.  When he is not tending to the extensive legal affairs of the DuPre family, he is busy overseeing the extensive restoration of his  magnificent Government Street  mansion.  It is his dream to restore McGill Mansion to her former glory as she was before those Yankees invaded the South!!
LeGASSE  REMOULADE– is the DuPre Family’s live-in chef.  Mr. DuPre paid LeGasse’s way through the Bishop State Culinary school.  In exchange, LeGasse signed a legal contract agreeing to work as Mr. DuPre’s live-in chef for ten years!  With five years left on his contract, he is desperate to leave and pursue a television career.  A major television network wants to produce LaGasse’s show, TURN UP THE HEAT, for a national audience.  They will not consider him as song as he has an employment contract with DuPre-they don’t want any bad publicity.  Unfortunately, LeGasse cannot get out of his contract unless Pierre DuPre releases him or dies!!
MADAME GRIS GRIS – is  a swamp witch and personal spiritual advisor to Pierre DuPre.  For the past twenty years, Gris Gris has protected Pierre DuPre from his enemies and used her spells to increase his wealth.  She  lives on Coden Bayou, where she has  a wishing stump near her house for her special clients like Pierre DuPre.  Gris Gris’ clients go deep into the swamp to her wishing stump and write a note with their wishes on it and wrap a $100.00 bill around the note.  This allows her to channel her most powerful voodoo spirits to make sure their wishes are granted. Pierre was usually too busy to visit Gris Gris in the Bayou, so she made many personal visits to DuPre Mansion to be of service during his many personal emergencies.

Murder at Miss Kitty’s Cathouse!!
A man was murdered at Ms. Kitty’s Cathouse!!! A note was on his body threatening more to come! All clues have led everyone to believe that a woman is the murderer!!

Counting Miss Kitty, there are nine luscious ladies at the cathouse. Who among them could have done such a thing?

The new Sheriff in town finds all kinds of surprises at Ms. Kitty’s as he investigates this murder. He is a bit inexperienced, to say the least, and becomes quite baffled as he stumbles his way through this mystery. The note on the dead man’s body instills great fear in him because he may have even more murders to solve and ONE is too many for his lack of investigation skills!!!

Keep your eyes and ears open and watch your back!! You may be having dinner with the murderer or worse….you may become the next victim!

This performance has LOTS of music and even shawdow dancing for everyone to enjoy!  Come on down and join in on the fun!!



This performance has it all… A Mardi Gras King & Queen, a Mini Tableau with Second-Line Dancing, AND a murder mystery!
The motley crew of characters from MURDER AT MARDI GRAS and WHO KILLED THE BOSS AT THE CHRISTMAS PARTY have come again to TRY to celebrate Mardi Gras without some type of mayhem going on, but, needless to say, when this group gets together, anything can happen and usually does! 
You would think that the Mobile Civic Center should be large enough to give them enough space so everyone could spread out and have a good time…but no such luck. 
They are attending the 100th anniversary of their Mardi Gras organization, The Krewe de Mydal. The ball was just getting started when they found the jester, dead, killed by the king’s own scepter which was found on the floor next to the poor jester!  Leave it to this group to totally disrupt this evening’s activities for everyone!  Before long, the ball has been closed down, and the place is swarming with police and blue lights!! Come on down and help us solve the mystery of who killed the poor jester at Murder at the Mardi Gras Ball!!
Masks and costumes are encouraged, though optional, but rest assured that everyone will certainly have something to hide!!  “Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!!”  (Let the Good Times Roll)


PIERRE DuPRE’ – Is no longer with us, but everyone is still fighting over his money. When Pierre left this life, he was the richest man in the southeast. Pierre was married to Velvyt, who he met in Las Vegas. Due to a ‘certain’ medical condition, Pierre never had any children. He found a baby in a basket at a Mardi Gras ball and claimed her as his own to cover up his medical issue.
JESTER whose name is really Wayne, is the ex-husband of Velvyt and is now Monique’s ‘friend’. He knows, through Velvyt, about the DuPre’ fortune, left by Pierre DuPre’. He has spent the past few years in prison, and since his release, he has been trying to get to the fortune through Monique. He arranged to be the jester of the Krewe de Mydal Ball so he could reveal dirty little secrets of the DuPre’ family and their associates, at the tableau to cause their downfall in society. He learned that Monique is a true DuPre, something Monique does not know about herself.
ROYALLE DuPRE: His father is Jean Luc, brother of Pierre DuPre’. All anyone ever knew about Royalle’s mother is that she was ‘working’ lower Dauphin Street . Royalle is a musician-turned-Senator but he has really always been the dirty little “Lower Dauphin Street” secret of the DuPre family. As in most politicians, Royalle is quite the ‘ladies’ man. He has recently been exonerated from five paternity suits filed by a roller derby team. To protect his chances of re-election here in Mobile, he has become a huge Trump supporter and backer of human rights and family values. In reality, of course, he has renounced nothing, he is just waving in the political wind.
VELVYT DuPRE: Met Pierre DuPre in Las Vegas where she was a down-and-out showgirl. She met DuPre’ in a high-roller’s room at the Boom-Boom Casino and got his attention by tripping over his oxygen tank. She did her magic and they were soon married. People say that the only thing she loved about DuPre was his money. In recent time, Velvyt has experienced a conversion and is now a psychic. She claims to realize the futility of money, however, she has not given up her inherited fortune from Pierre DuPre’. She is actually hiding all of her money. She has wonderful mansions and money overseas, but she lives in a plain house in Mobile while she works as the Mobile Bay Medium. Velvyt knew Pierre was impotent, but she wanted Pierre to think they had a hot thing going on. That is why she always got him drunk, put on the cha-cha heels and brought out the sex toys and afterward, told him that they had wonderful sex. She did this to keep Pierre’s attention and stay in the money. The jester knows she is a fraud.
BUFFYE DuPRE: Buffye is the only child of Pierre DuPre, or so she thought… Since losing the law suit to Velvyt, for the DuPre’ fortune, Buffye has become independently wealthy. She has started her own business from an idea she got from Nick Saban’s remark about torn, pre-stressed jeans which reminded her of when Yvette shredded her own ball gown many years ago. She has made millions with her line of clothing. Pierre found her in a basket and raised her, but there are no official papers showing an adoption, and the jester knows this.
YVETTE DAUPHINE: At one time, Yvette worked as a third-generation, live-in maid at DuPre’ mansion, while thinking she was Pierre’s illegitimate daughter. After his death and her losing the law suit for her share of the fortune, she used her knowledge of cleaning the DuPre’ mansion, and formed a National Cleaning Franchise called, Two Girls on Their Knees (scrubbing). So, now Yvette is very wealthy with her own national franchise. Yvette is not an American citizen and she is using Bienville to get her status as a citizen in the US. She was born of a French mother, FiFi, overseas and only came back by claiming to be the daughter of Pierre DuPre’. It turns out that she isn’t his daughter at all and she is here illegally. Yvette found this out when she filed the lawsuit for the money against the DuPre’ estate which Velvyt ended up winning. Her immigration status was coming up for challenge and Yvette got Bienville to quash that. The Jester knows that she could be deported, lose her business and possibly, LeGasse may divorce her.
LeGASSE REMOULADE: is still the DuPre family chef and TV star. He likes to “TURN UP THE HEAT!!!” Since he TV show has been cancelled, he has become the Executive Chef Dauphin’s Restaurant and is doing quite well. He has also started a very successful catering business on the side, however, no one other than the jester knows that LeGassee is using the food from Dauphins for his catering business, so his catering profit is 100%. He has been catering for his friend, Bienville, at Dewey, Cheatum & Howe but for some reason, people are dying at the firm.
GOTHIKA: She is a famous author who lives on Church Street. She has made a fortune from her “Legion of the Doomed” series. During her poor years, when she was destitute and would do anything for $20.00, she had a daughter out of wedlock (Buffye) who she abandoned. She left Buffye in a basket at the back door of the Civic Center during one of the Mardi Gras balls hoping some wealthy person at the ball would find the child and give her a home. When Gothika was older, had wealth and status, she was seeing Jean Luc, Pierre DuPre’s brother, and had another daughter, Monique. Gothika gave this daughter up also to an orphanage. She sent money to the orphanage to support Monique and the nuns, but she never saw her daughter. It turns out that Monique and Royale are siblings and the only real heirs to the DuPre’ fortune. The jester knows about Gothika’s two daughters…
GATOR THIBIDEAUX: Gator is from Bayou La Batre and lives in the swamp. He is Buffye DuPre’s ex-husband. He had a reality show, “Gator Bosarge, Swamp Tours”, and it worked well for a time, but it fizzled out. He made a lot of money with the show, but realized that he had to do something different since reality show fad is over. After watching the Lincoln Lawyer, he decided to become the Swamp lawyer, with his own pirogue, cruising the bayou, dispensing justice at every little cove and inlet he comes to for a fee. He has found a way of mingling his love of the bayou and the law together to make a living. Gator did well in law school, but he never passed the law exam, so he has been practicing without a license all this time. He flunked out of Vanderbilt. That is why he cannot join Dewey, Cheatum & Howe, because he does not have a license. On the bayou, no one has asked to see his license and the Jester knows that he is not really a lawyer. Gator still has a hard time at these fancy dinner parties!!
BIENVILLE McGILL: Bienville was the DuPre family’s personal attorney and Pierre DuPre’s best friend. Bienville has become the managing partner of Dewey, Cheatum & Howe. He got LaGasse the job at Dauphin’s. In return, LaGasse has been doing the catering for Dewey, Cheatum & Howe. Bienville has been and putting a chemical that mimics a heart attack into the food of the person superior to him in the law firm. People are dying of heart attacks. Those around the deceased are thinking the deaths are due to the fact the deceased are middle-aged, over-worked and over-stressed, so there have been no investigations. So, Bienville has been rising in the law firm, moving from corner office to corner office going up the RSA Tower. Now, Bienville is the managing partner of Dewey, Cheatum & Howe. LaGasse is not aware that Bienville is giving him poison for the food. Bienville told LaGasse that it is a special seasoning that will make his food stand out from anyone else’s and LaGasse believes him.
MADAME GRIS GRIS: She is a swamp-dwelling con artist from Bayou Coden who has always used her knowledge of voodoo to prey on the superstitions and the wealthy. Her wishing stump is her personal ATM machine!! However, Gris Gris has become an evangelist. She has revived the Hour of Power and is doing quite well!! Voo Doo just wasn’t paying as much as the Tammy Faye scenario, so she has started preaching (not really). She is still secretly still practicing her Voo Doo under cover. She accepted a very large payment from the Doug Jones campaign to cast a spell on Roy Moore. Because she makes most of her money as an evangelist. Gris Gris is claiming to be a evangelical, but she is really a Voo Doo priestess and actually worked against Roy Moore. The jester knows that Gris Gris is also a fraud.
ROXY D’IBERVILLE: She is in love with Monique and hates the jester because he treats Monique very badly. She has come here tonight to get Monique out of her relationship with the jester. She also seems to know everyone and everyone’s business.
MONIQUE CHAUVIN: Has been with the jester for too long. He is disrespectful, he is mistreating her and she is spending a lot of time on the Internet, especially on www.ineeditnow.com, where she met Roxy. Roxy has become her shoulder and her comfort. She desperately wants out of her relationship with the jester and she wants to be with Roxy.



IT IS NOVEMBER 11, 1928…. The “War to End All Wars” ended 10 years ago and three comrades-in-arms, an American Captain, and English Colonel and a former French officer who is now a successful business man, have traveled to the charming Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Alabama to keep their decade-old promise to meet again on this day.

They are joined at the hotel by a flamboyant French woman whose maisons de tolérance (brothel) was part of the Allied forces’ spy network and a famous Russian writer on his first book tour in America.
The Ukrainian-born Innkeeper, who inherited the hotel from her parents five years ago, works diligently to ensure her small staff provides everything the guests need to be relaxed, comfortable, and completely in the dark about her clandestine activities as a spy for the Soviet Union.
However, their stay at the “Queen of Southern Resorts” is overshadowed by tragedy when a murder is committed on the grounds. Who is the victim? More importantly, who is the killer?
Do you think you can solve The Murder on Mobile Bay?

A Mobile Mystery Dinner Original. Murder on the Battleship, The Last Show of the USO Is a star studded show Full of surprises! An open audition has been called for the Biggest USO Show of the century. Who will show up to audition will might just be a shock. Never the less, anytime you get so many famous celebrities together and only one Judge, some Hollywood Skeletons may just jump out of the closet. You won’t want to miss this Californiacation gone WILD! This show is to DIE for!


Good evening ladies and gentlemen!! We want you to enjoy the maiden voyage of the Carnivore Line’s newest ship, the Titanium, so we will be offering around-the-clock entertainment by the one and only, Dwayne Newt, lounge singer extraordinaire, some conga dancing and social suggestions from our cruise director, Nicki Beach!! WAIT! OH NO!! It seems someone has turned up dead! Oh dear! Guess we will just call in our “ship cop” to unravel this mystery and then we will get on with our festivities!! Soooo, grab your sun tan lotion, sunglasses and come on up to the promenade deck and watch as we try to determine …..WHODUNIT!!!

One of these is the murderer!!
DWAYNE NEWT, the slimy lounge lizard
NICKI BEACH, the perky cruise director
AMBER ASTOR, the sarcastic restaurant waitress
THE COUNTESS , of European royalty
SAM SPAM, ship cop 


The year is 1927. Prohibition is still very much a factor, so just in case the cops decide to pay us a visit tonight, we’ll be drinking our wine from coffee mugs!!

It is the silent screen era. Our victim is Royale T. Payne, famed and despised owner of Superior Studios.

Bill Payor, CPA for Superior Studios was embezzling and he feared Payne was on to his scheme.
Owen Moore, director for Superior Studios is an alcoholic and compulsive gambler fearing for his job.
Paige Turner, newspaper columnist ran afoul with Payne because of her making public certain facts about his casting couch activities.
Allie Katt, top box office draw wanted out of her contract and Payne was threatening to bring up her checkered past.
Helen Backe is a brilliant makeup artist and coiffeur and is entangled in a torrid love affair with Payne. His wandering eye caused her to go into jealous rages.
Les Voltage, double-crossed by Payne, is trying to get out of his arrangement but Payne is blackmailing him into submission.
Luke Warm is one of Hollywood’s most successful and sought-after actors. However, his job is on shaky ground as the studio insists on moving into talkies against his wishes.
Ella Vader fosters a deep-seated hatred for Payne because of a secret from long ago Jimmy Lipstick, the Stage Manager, tries in vain to keep order among this dysfunctional and very ambitious group.

LeVert Home
THE HOME OF OCTAVIA LeVERT ON GOVERNMENT STREET, MOBILE, AL The "Scene" of - MURDER MOST SOUTHERN - An Unveiling of Murder - 1865 Mobile Mayhem!!! (notice the original steeple of Christ Church in the background which was destroyed in the 1906 Hurricane and Dr. Henry LeVert's Office on the right, which is still standing)

Mobile has been occupied by Union Soldiers and Madame LeVert is having one of her famous evening soirees in her world-famous parlor on Government Street. Joe Jefferson is in attendance along with other citizens of Mobile at the time. They all think they are in for an enjoyable and relaxing evening as Mrs. LeVert is so well-known for. However, things take quite a drastic turn as the evening progresses and before they know it, they are trying to figure out….whodunit!!


Get Up and Go Bus Tours, in business for over 60 years, has been serving the Mason Dixon Travelers for the past 25 years. This adventurous group travels to various destinations, excluding those beyond the Mason Dixon Line. However, a wrong turn leads them to Mobile, Alabama, resulting in the death of their beloved tour guide, Miss Minnie Myles. Now, the remaining passengers must continue their journey without their leader. Will this incident haunt Get Up and Go Bus Tours for crossing the Mason Dixon Line? The key question remains: what happened to Miss Minnie Myles and why?
MINNIE MYLES –  is the tour guide for the Mason Dixon Travelers . She is the all wise, well-traveled leader of the group and they respect her position. However, she has a tendency to turn any and every opportunity into either a joke or a prank. For this reason, most of the Mason Dixon Travelers have been the brunt of her foolery and do not like her very much. Has she pulled one prank too many at the expense of her travelers and paid the ultimate price?

HEIGH TURNEROUND –  is the faithful bus driver for Get Up and Go Bus Tours. He and his wife, Flora, have been loyal to Get Up and Go Bus Tours and catered personally to the Mason Dixon Travelers for twenty-five years. Recent news in the tour group rumor mill has Heigh “Turned all about” and fearful of his job security.
SARA SODA – is the flamboyant, wife of Heigh Turneround. She is a native of the South but has not crossed the Mason Dixon Line for several years, due to her husband’s commitment to Get Up and Go Bus Tours and the Mason Dixon Travelers . Sara and her husband are neighbors of Miss Minnie Myles and have experienced their fair share of her pranks and schemes. They don’t like her very much, but they enjoy traveling and the benefits of the bus company that they have been committed to for almost three decades.
NURSE LYDA KAYNE – is not the kind, warm, attentive nurse you would want taking care of you in your time of ill health. She is a rough, heavy handed woman who believes that the best medicine is the kind that knocks you out. The head nurse at Falter Point Mental Health Facility, Nurse Lyda Kayne is the boss and the good doctor answers to her…at least that’s what she says.
DR. LANCE BOYLE –  is the head physician of Falter Point Mental Health Facility. He has been under a great deal of stress lately and just when he thought he couldn’t handle another issue, the Mason Dixon Travelers have come walking into his facility. Could this new set of visitors have taken him over the edge? Does the good doctor need a bed in his own hospital?
MICK STUPP – was once a highly sought after actor. A horrible break up caused him to lose his mind and he was admitted into the Falter Point Mental Health Facility. When not under the attentive care of Nurse Lyda Kayne, Mick revisits various roles from his past life. The arrival of the Mason Dixon Travelers has given him a real audience to perform to. Has he ever been a murderer on stage?
JUSTIN THYME – is the devoted, attentive husband of Jean Poole. He believes in being punctual for every event, appointment or engagement; so the recent “off course” directive of this tour has him a bit on edge. Justin and his wife are newlyweds and long-time members of the Mason Dixon Travelers . They have very ill feelings toward Miss Minnie Myles because she nearly ruined their wedding. Has this hatred turned into murder?
JEAN POOLE – is the wife of Justin Thyme. Theirs is an “unconventional” union but they don’t know that because they’ve never traveled beyond the Mason Dixon Line. Growing up, her parents always said that was a no-no. She attributes their trip’s wrong turn to Miss Minnie Myles, their tour guide. Jean is not pleased with Minnie because she nearly ruined the wedding celebration of the couple. Has crossing the Mason Dixon caused this travel diva too much distress and brought her to the point of committing murder?

 Don’t be a Drag!!  Come see our Queens before the Curtain Calls!!

Join us for an evening of laughter and mystery as we follow the investigation of Sharon Needles’ murder in our hilarious
drag queen beauty contest.
Our talented cast will have you in stitches as they take you on a journey to uncover the killer’s identity. 
Plus, you won’t find a better deal for a night of entertainment like this!!
But hurry, the clock is ticking and the show must go on!!
It’s the most flamboyant, unique, and glamorous evening
Mobile has to offer…. 
the annual, Queen of the Night – THE DRAG QUEEN PAGEANT!!!  
But all is not well at the Renaissance Riverview Hotel, where the dazzling
Swim Suit, Talent and Evening Gown Competition is taking place.
Murder has cast the deciding vote and for someone at this pageant, the final curtain has fallen.  
This colorful cast includes drag queen contestants, an eclectic panel of judges, a hair, make-up and fashion expert and a perky reporter from television station WBMA, and even the Fashion Police!  
Put them all together, add lots of glitter, fun, and mayhem and you’ve got…


next of kin

Big Daddy Sugarbaker has requested your presence at what may be the last family gathering before he passes on to the great beyond. He may be one of the richest men in the world, but he is not well, not well at all!! But, that’s not important, especially to his greedy kin folk!! What is REALLY important, is WHO has the Will and WHO is in it!!

The Family Members (and other collaborators):
Hamilton Big Daddy Sugarbaker: The Wealthy patriarch of the Sugarbaker family
Bobbie Jo Butler: Big Daddy’s devoted “nurse.” No one knows where she went to school, if she did…
Rhett Sugarbaker: The arrogant and self-absorbed eldest son.
Scarlett Sugarbaker: Rhett’s wife. She comes from the wrong side of the tracks and it shows.
Ashley Sugarbaker: Hamilton’s weak and insipid youngest son. A Poet…this is a matter of opinion – his!!!
Melanie Sugarbaker: Ashley’s eccentric wife-she is an “interpretive” dancer
Philly Sugarbaker: Big Daddy’s alcoholic sister.
Savannah Sugarbaker: Big Daddy’s high strung, estranged wife.
Dr. Chivago Kildaire: Big Daddy’s “doctor”. Where he got his medical degree is the question. Bobbie Jo seems to know more than he does medically speaking. He has always loved Philly and it shows.
Payne N. Suffren , Esq: Big Daddy’s aggressive, know-it-all, talkative lawyer.

the case of the maple tree murder

Professor & Chef, Joe Cakery, creator of a world-changing chocolate icing recipe, has been found murdered, hanging from a large Maple tree in the front yard of his home in Vermont. The recipe has gone missing, apparently stolen by someone of a violent, unscrupulous nature. The Professor’s daughter wants the recipe back and to solve her father’s murder, but who can help her?

Enter Harley Ryder, representative of I.C.E.S. ( International Cake Exploration Society) and sales AGENT. He is their counter intelligence and anti-terrorism expert and foiler of industrial espionage. Join Harley on a trip that takes him to far-away places in pursuit of villains, beautiful dancers,  an elusive recipe, and the truth.

The competition is cut-throat in the race against time to be the first one to find the recipe worth untold wealth.

Who will win? Who will lose everything? And who murdered the Professor? The one who solves the crimes, wins the prize!


NEWS RELEASE:  September 26, 1928 Coppone Released From Prison!!

Notorious gangster and Chicago gang leader Harold “Hal” Coppone was released today from Awsume State Penitentiary near Philadelphia after serving a six-month term. Coppone, who was jailed for carrying an unlicensed weapon, was met by a group of his men – among them was Chicago gangster Joey “The Rattlesnake” Ratello, chief suspect in the recent killing of Marco “Machete” Molino. They all departed quickly in a powerful seven-passenger Lincoln Touring car. While he had nothing to say to the press, Coppone and his men were undoubtedly headed back to Chicago where, it is rumored, they have more than one score to settle. His release is expected to trigger a wave of violence.
Instead, Coppone has disappeared. To the small group gathered in a speakeasy near Coppone’s headquarters, the crimelord’s whereabouts becomes only part of the mystery when murder is discovered! Hal Coppone has been murdered and his 40 million dollars is missing from his vault, mystifying both police and the criminal underworld. “SILKY” M. ADAM, a slinky and shady lady who owns and operates The Everlay Club has invited everyone to dinner. But, the secret setup is that she is keeping everyone there until the murderer has been revealed and the 40 mil is split with her.
There’s no shortage of suspects, motives, speakeasy glamor or gorgeous flappers and sultry singing by our own “Torchy,” Alana Ellard, in this crime tale.
Come join in as these shady characters spin their webs of deception and see if you can guess whodunit!!
Molly M. Awbsterr – S. Treighton Harrow – Billy “The Kid” Thrower – Silky M. Adam – Sandie Trapp “Birdie” – Ernie G. Ambler – Malissa F. Orrthot “Scoop” – Anna Sassine “Torchy” – Police Detective Chris P. Bacon


This is a true story with which MMD has taken a ‘little’ liberty…

For more than three centuries, pirates and piracy thrived and flourished in our own back yard – the Gulf Coast. Marvelous tales abound of swashbuckling encounters involving rogues like Gambi, Lafitte, de Graaf, and Scott.
An English pirate attack against our own Dauphin Island in 1711 brings home the point that piracy affected and influenced local culture, economy, and society from the 17th to the early 19th century.
The headless body of once fierce pirate, Vincenzo (Vincent) Gambi, has been found on the beach, his head is mounted on a 20 foot pole, facing the gulf, for all to see and to serve as a warning to other pirates.
All manner of the pirate population including wenches and exotic dancers have assembled at Barnacle Ben’s to discuss and determine who did such a thing, only to find Jacob Mitchell on the beach later, beaten to death with his own wooden leg!!
Grab your cutlass, don an eye-patch, hoist the Jolly Roger, and climb aboard as we set sail for a glimpse of the characters that charged local waters with their intrigues and exploits. No passports are necessary, only a desire for adventure as we try to determine whodunit!!
Pirate, William Augustus Bowles (Billy Bow Legs)
Pirate, Jean Lafitte
Pirate, Laurens De Graaf
Pirate, Paddy Scott
Pirate, Anne Dieu-le-veut
Ben Dolliver
Pirate, James Campbell
Saffonda Peters
Jacquotte  Delahaye
Sarina, the dancing girl

The Mardi Gras Murder of Charlington

After being thrown out of The Mobile Carnival Association, Montague Sheffield Charlington, IV set up headquarters across the street at the Malaga Inn.

Now, as if he doesn’t have enough to deal with already, poor Clark Lackey, dapper personal assistant to the wealthy and corrupt Montague Charlington, was already scrambling to arrange this impromptu Mardi Gras coronation party for Montague in the courtyard of the Malaga Inn, when he found his infamous boss stone cold dead!
Montague Charlington, the former mayor of Mobile has been murdered at the Malaga Inn…or has he? How are they going to explain the bloody fellow found in Montague’s room who looks exactly like him?! ‘Monte’s’ money bought a lot of influence…and a lot of enemies!!
Such a pity this all happened just a week before Mardi Gras when Monte thought he would soon be enjoying his latest purchase — the titles of King and Queen of Mardi Gras for himself and wife Antoinette!
Thrown together at the Malaga Inn, can Monte’s tattered retinue figure out if the blustering Monte in their midst is the real thing, or a murderous imposter?
Generation-X, slacker cousin Zachary would love to see Mardi Gras abolished…Monte’s wife, Antoinette (A Yankee!!!) simply loathes Mobile. Political enemy and lady’s man Lance Worthington has his eye on the mayor’s office, and wealthy stranger, Peter Hinson is hiding more than a few secrets of his own. California feminist Kelsey Phillips-Davis is a fish out of water in this southern society gathering, and Monte’s homegrown mistress, Marguerite may go three rounds with Antoinette before the night is over. And of course, there is the very strict head of housekeeping, Marie Paris, and her strange staffers Ponsby and Sarah!
However, the show must go on, and Clark Lackey is determined to get to the bottom of it and see justice is done, and much more importantly, salvage his fa-bu-lous coronation gala, to boot!



You are about to embark on a journey that will take you to the St. Patrick’s Day festivities at the Shamrock Pub in Blarney, Ireland in the County of Cork.

This event has been advertised as a night of glorious celebration, but if you’ve spoken to the staff during cocktail hour, you may be aware that all is not as it seems.
If you have sensed an air of greed, jealousy, and conspiracy, you are very sensitive and astute, and….I must say ‘right on the mark!!’
As this evening progresses, you are in for a time of mystery, mayhem, and maybe even murder!!
Hold on to your shamrock because you just may need it before THIS particular evening is over!!

The mystery of Devil's Gulch

Things have changed since the fire at the Bates’ mansion a year ago. Now this quaint little town appears to be cursed. Be warned and beware, attend this mystery dinner only at your own risk – your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to solve a murder (or two)… Are you up to the challenge? In the ‘spirit’ of the evening, we would like for you to come in a Halloween costume since you a member of the cursed little community. It’s optional, of course, but it will enhance your whole experience. Who among you will become a cold-blooded killer? A victim? ….It could be the person sitting right next to you!

Your prime Suspects in “The Mystery of Devil’s Gulch” are –
GRACE PEABODY: A reclusive & eccentric psychic
LESTER DANVERS: Folks around here call him “Simple Lester” because he hasn’t been the same
since he almost died in that awful fire last year.
LUCY CABOT: A woman who devotes too much time to her career as a writer for “The Probe”
newspaper as she searches for someone to mend her broken heart.
PETER PARKER: The wealthiest man in town with a bad boy reputation.
MAYOR GEORGE WASHINGTON: A Mayor who needs to prove himself a man, especially to his wife.
MARSHA WASHINGTON: George’s wife. One wonders what her marriage to George must be like. Or
maybe it’s better not to even go there.
INGRID BATES: Norman Bates’ long-lost aunt who has come to Devil’s Gulch to lay claim to the
Bates’ mansion.
DR. LUDWIG VON HERRING: He investigates the unusual and the unexplained.
BORIS RENFELD: (think the Hunchback of Notre Dame) Ludwig’s enthusiastic assistant who can’t do enough for his mentor.

Twas the murder before Christmas

It was time for the annual pre-Christmas meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus in the North Pole. This was the bustling time of the year when the Christmas workers needed to stop working for a moment and come together to discuss how Christmas was unraveling.

Santa has compared last year’s budget to what has been spent this year so far and the news isn’t good. Due to the downturn in the economy and the fact that Santa did not receive a stimulus package or a bailout from the government (because the powers that be don’t believe in him) if he goes through with Christmas this year, for the first time ever in history, North Pole Inc. will be in a deficit! Christmas simply cannot run in a deficit! The only red associated with Santa should be his suit! So, everyone needs to work together to solve this problem. The meeting attendees arrived as planned at Santa’s home and the Christmas spirit was soaring high until to everyone’s shock…a murder occurred! The Christmas characters are all rallying together to figure out whodunit before this scandalous murder along with the deficit ruins Christmas! Santa has a real job on his hands! Come see if you can help him save Christmas!
Santa ClausMrs. ClausEbbie SmoogeIcy the SnowmanGingerbread ManPrisser the Reindeer, 
Dap the Elf (production boss),  Vip the Elf (Santa’s mechanic), Foxy the Elf (head toy maker)

Set in the 1960’s, this group of young and old hippies are trying their best to get Jewel Hogget and Roger Windsor married by midnight!!

You’re cordially invited to attend the chaotic ceremony… A midnight wedding? Odd, yes, but you must admit
very unique (and, as it turns out, deadly.)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to solve a murder (or two.) Who among you will become a cold-blooded killer? A victim? The person may be sitting right next to you!

Although optional, you may feel welcome to join this bunch in your tie-dye and sunglasses – you’d fit right in!!

Who Killed the Boss at the Christmas Party

It is the annual Christmas party of the prestigious law firm, Dewey, Cheatum and Howe. With influential ties to business, politics and government, this is one event that everyone has been anxiously looking forward to attend! Everyone who is anyone in the community can be found at this party including the state senator. A good time is being had by all. Santa has left a generous amount of goodies for all in attendance. However, one of Santa’s bad elves has left a nasty surprise for the boss and now, there is no more Cheatum at Dewey Cheatum and Howe. Since no one has left the building, the murderer must still be among us!! That makes everyone a suspect. We advise you to watch your back and keep an eye on the person next to you… Hold on to your Christmas cookie as we hone in on who did this terrible deed at the Christmas party!!

who shot jr;

This mystery revolves around JR Krewd and his former business partner, Vinny Castallini. Many years ago, JR blackmailed Vinny into helping him in one of his shady dealings and as a result, both of them have lost everything including their business in which they were equal partners.

JOHN ROSS KREWD-(JR) as a business partner with Vinny. JR was known to do some “shady” dealings in the business. JR stepped over the line when he asked Vinny to help him on one of his shady jobs, there was a witness and as a result, they both lost the business. JR now works as a security officer at the Mobile jail, and on weekends, he is a security guard for events… Just how many enemies has he made through the years with that violent disposition of his? It seems that JR has released his anger one last time, but to whom? There are plenty of folks who have lots of reasons or motives to do him in, but which one did it?

See if you can help us determine which one of these ‘characters’ did the deed!!

EDWIN BRUBERRY was JR’s college buddy. He presently owns the Eddie’s Place, an upscale restaurant on Dauphin Street in Mobile. He witnessed a very suspicious event which has haunted him until this very evening. What secret does he know about JR and will he spill the beans tonight?
VINNY CASTALLINI was JR’s former business partner. Vinny is caught in a very uncomfortable situation tonight involving the two women in his life…Things are starting to crumble for Vinny, and by the way, who did you say Geraldine was? …And what did JR have to do with Geraldine?
CARLOTTA P. CASTALLINI is Vinny’s wife. Why has she been following JR around since that awful day she lost her dad? The dark secret she has been carrying will be revealed tonight – what did JR have to do with it?
ANITA MANN is Vinny’s girlfriend… When times get tough, she can be seen working the corner of Royal and Dauphin streets. She has a bit of a history with JR. She knows JR is blackmailing Vinny and thinks it is because of the affair she is having with Vinny. She’s angry with JR for taking Vinny’s money, thus, lowering her plush lifestyle, plus, she has a history with JR which almost ruined her life and she wants revenge.
MA DOOBIE is obnoxious and overbearing in every sense of the word. Ma Doobie has vowed to get her revenge on JR for intimidating her son, Scoobie, causing him to lose his practice and HER income!
DR. SCOOBIE DOOBIE was a victim of JR’s bullying, to the extent it caused him to shut down his practice. Dr. Doobie is a psychologist who is dominated by his mother and has major issues from his childhood. He especially hates to be called Dumb – one of the favorite names his mother has for him. What is his history with JR and why is he seeking revenge?
INVESTIGATOR JOE FRIDAY just happened to be walking by Eddie’s Place tonight and came in when he heard a shot. What secrets will he divulge? Does he know what JR did one night many years ago….